Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mike Ingram For A Horse! has hit a historical milestone by adding its fourth reader, Buzz music journalist (sic) Mike Ingram!

it's just that i leave all of this space open every week hoping there's some don gerard music news to report, and then when nothing comes up, again, i'm left to type up so much nonsense. seriously, could you do something so people can stop reading about wendy's?



On behalf of Illinois Special Olympics I want to thank Mr. Ingram for his contribution and...

Oh, my mistake. Mr. Ingram has not, in fact, yet pledge monitary or other support to this fine and worthy cause. regrets the error.

To be fair, however, we here at understand the "McRib Farewell Tour" has left many with scant
cash reserves.

However... is delighted Mr. Ingram has devoted time from his busy schedule to favor us with a clever, witty, insightful and intelligent comment...

Um, actually...Uh...After Mr. Ingram's comment again it seems he is somehow attempting to chide an individual who possesses a 23-year-musical resume, playing in some of the area's most successful bands and alongside some of the world's most-talented individuals (and without ever actually having learned to play a musical instrument), of not contributing to the local "scene" (sic). Therefore, he has as an excuse for his inability to compose a full 600-words about the weekly musical goings-on in the area.

Gee...That seems like kind of a slap in the face to actual musicians who are passed over, no?



Okay...Let's see... acknowledges Mike Ingram typed something.

...Rats...The Illini Media company does that on a weekly basis.


We got nothing.

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