Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Viper and His Gayness Orchestra

Dr. Ryan "The Viper" Jerving's open letter to Donnie Davies:
I just sent the following message to Donnie Davies, who maintains the list of gay and really gay bands. Cross your fingers, and wish us luck!

Dear Donnie Davies:

I would really like to be added to your list. My band's name is The Viper and His Famous Orchestra. And while I am not myself gay, I do indulge in the kind of high camp of the sort that seems to have put Marilyn Manson, Cole Porter, Barry Manilow, and Queen on your list.

What's more, Jay Bennett of Wilco recorded and mixed our first LP record, Everything for Everyone, and I think some of his gayness might have rubbed off on us.

If there is further doubt, let me assure you that the following lyrics sung on this record were meant in all queer emo earnestness (from Liz Phair's "Dance of the Seven Veils" - and I can't believe she's not on your list):

"Johnny, my love
We got us a witness
Now all we gotta do is get a preacher"

...Clear evidence that this is a band in favor of gay marriage, and not even hiding behind the fig leaf of civil unions.

Again, I would greatly appreciate being added to your list, where I can keep company with Magnetic Fields, Ravi Shankar, and the "Really Gay" Elton John. I thank you for your efforts in this area, and am glad to help you promote gay music.


Ryan Jerving

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